Sunday, June 15, 2008


Kotagede represent the old town of omission of epoch of Mataram Islam. religion Society Life (Islam), still see the strength, meanwhile way of living, way of dressing, formation of residence house etc, distinguishing traditional still take place. Kotagede is often referred as pasargede, historic to keep building of ommission of king of Islam Mataram assumed by sacred also house building remain traditional.

Among house building remain traditional is we meet the building distinguish separate, that is house building remain the Europe nation. This Article try to study the cultural building of The Europe, representing residence of Kalang people [in] Kotagede. Solution by using some esthetics concept which is concerning culture of architecture or techtonics.

Society Kotagede of most is silvery worker and merchant, copper, batik, husk, etcetera. All the merchant many relating to area of outside Kotagede even possible there is which is to abroad. Thereby contact the culture with the area of outside Kotagede very conducive.

Kalang is name from faction one who live in some place which is spread over in Java. Faction of Kalang Kotagede live in the Tegalgendu, it is said come from clan of Kalang people of which is on Glorious Sultan governance time (± year 1640) collected from various place and made room for which remain to, Kalang Faction of that's becoming rich merchant in Kotagede.

Till now foreign nation is not allowed to by live in the Kotagede, this matter is very attractive because exactly in this area many we get the dressy building of Europe. Anticipation of whereas because all rich merchant of Kotagede wish the pattern or style differ from around. Although rich, they not possible (to) make the building of equal to or as luxuriant as traditional building like kraton (sultan palace) or house of all nob, because blocked by regulation going into effect. Single street of all the merchant take the foreign style pattern ( Europe) which is adapted for by a building situation or shake hand around. Precisely presumably mixture style of a kind of this referred as by a Merchant Style to differentiate with the traditional style or sterling Europe style

This symptom have been happened also in Greek Kuna of at pre Christian century IV with the existence of style Korintia created by custom-built of all rich merchant of town Korintia. All the merchant wish the style Korintia differ from the common style that is style of Doria and Ionia. this Style Difference is created to be able to present the properties. Affluence, or pride of all merchant of also happened in rich merchant in Kotagede. More than anything else room move to create and come up to, more than anything else exceed the affluence of house of nob or palace blocked by order of Mataram Kingdom. Dressy Building of This Europe surely property of resident of aborigines kotagede by xself. the Europe Style marking for example - Pillar bar and lead the dressy pillar of Korintia-Romawi - big Fairish Door step with the semicircle form of above its (semi barrel) with the decoration of gorgeous glass in lood - Gallery in form of curves ( arcade - door step big fairish window And and amount to many - Decoration in the form of mosaic by tegel (floor tile) is gorgeous and family device - Made building from brick - Dance the tegel have colourful glost to - Form the roof " saddle roof" ( sadle-dak).

Kalang House although dressy of Europe but remain to do not leave the tradition of Javanese house.

As for traditional marking brought in this merchant style building see for example - wide of Front gallery loo like the pendapa (large open structure in front of java mansion, or attached open veranda that serves as an audience hall) of house joglo - Amount of room of many and narrow;tight fairish - Room formation with the division of like pringgitan, sentong kiwa and tengen and also ndalem. Often also building situating take the pattern of Java house with the existence of gandok kiwa, gandok tengen, gadri etcetera - Fence the yard with the high wall use the door regol (entrance) is laid at made by according to division of pursuant to concept of Java trust, for example door step diametrical imprecise spandrel face to door.

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